Our experience in manufacturing face protection screens donated for healthcare use

Our experience in manufacturing face protection screens donated for healthcare use

With the aim of giving visibility and being able to help,
we share our grain of sand in this health emergency
that surrounds us and takes away our sleep.
We would like to tell you how we have organized
the manufacturing process of the face protection screens,
distributed to certain health centres, town halls and elderly residences
in Aragon, Navarra and Burgos

This voluntary action arose thanks to a dear client and friend, who shared his idea and experience with us and helped us get the necessary material.
All of us, the people who form our sector, can cope with anything!
And special respect to the wonderful people in our OSMOEUROPA team who have made it happen,
cutting, assembling, packing and distributing the screens in record time
We are telling you the steps of the process and the material used,
so you have all the information

– The screens: the plastic tubes, which are nothing more than pig feeders (methacrylate, 1mm thick) cut to 37.5cm
– The elastic straps: rubber bands 55cm long
– The pads: foam cylinders used for joints in the construction of buildings, 4cm in diameter, cut to 2cm.
– Glue gun

Step 1. 2 holes are made on each side of the screen at the top ends.
Step 2. First put each end of the rubber strip through a hole and take it out through the other.

Step 3. Glue 3 pads on the inside of the screen along the top edge:
2 lateral, 1 central. They serve as a clamping stop

The final result:

But the result is much better appreciated
on the faces of gratitude of our dear nurses and other users,
the true heroes of this pandemic!

Their gratitude and encouragement fill our hearts with hope and convince us that

We are at your disposal if you need to consult more manufacturing details.
Rely on us,

(!) This news has no commercial or lucrative purpose, OSMOEUROPA does not sell the screens, nor the material necessary for their manufacturing