Author: Osmoeuropa

OSMOEUROPA SLU is a socially responsible company that goes beyond legal requirements, applies transparency in its management and voluntarily integrates initiatives and responsible practices with a clear ethical, social and environmental commitment [button size='large' style='white' text='SEE OSMOEUROPA RSA COMMITMENT STATEMENT' icon='' icon_color='' link='' target='_self' color='' hover_color='' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='' hover_background_color='' font_style='' font_weight='' text_align='center'...

The constant search for optimization and efficiency in ventilation systems for farms is essential. That's why we guarantee perfect integration between your climate controller and our lifting motors for air inlets. 0-10V connection: Precision and adaptability Using 0-10V signals, the climate controller precisely adjusts the opening and closing of the air...

Don't waste any more time looking for emergency air inlet opening solutions in addition to your regular ventilation system! All air inlet automation systems with OSMO motors have INTEGRATED emergency ventilation function. The advantages are obvious! Efficiency, reliability, economy and simplicity An immediate response in critical situations The risk of failure is reduced, simplifying...

Mientras las campanas suenan y las flores adornan, esperamos que todos disfruten de estos días especiales. ¡Felices Fiestas del Pilar!   Les informamos que nos tomaremos un breve descanso los días 12 y 13 de octubre para unirnos a las festividades.   ¡Nos vemos a la vuelta con energías renovadas!  ...

Today, in the midst of the energy crisis, solar panels are a real advantage. It is anticipated that 94% of energy generated by solar panels will be used to meet a high total electrical demand on the farm. Furthermore, they will be amortised in just a few years, and the electricity...

The air is free and omnipresent, but only by controlling it we find relief and purpose The type of ventilation to be used on the farm will depend on the characteristics of the shed, its geographical location and climate, type of animal, etc. We can choose, change or replace fans, extractors,...

The batteries have become an everyday and essential element in our daily life. From powering our mobile phones to powering electric vehicles, their presence no longer surprises us. OSMOEUROPA has not invented them but has applied their versatility and portability as an indispensable power source to ensure that the...

For more than 20 years, we have been  protecting livestock from power outages and providing savings in electricity in facilities where OSMO equipment controls ventilation. We still see the news that confirm the importance of having safe solutions to avoid suffocation of animals and losses that this entails at all levels   ARGENTINA: MORE...

¡Donde hay la previsión, habrá la provisión! Queridos clientes, tanto por el cierre de nuestras oficinas y la producción por el descanso merecido del día 7 al día 18 de agosto,  como por el periodo vacacional de los proveedores de los componentes, por favor, revisad vuestras necesidades de cubrir el stock de los equipos OSMO en...

Les detallamos los horarios OSMOEUROPA durante los meses de VERANO del 3 de julio al 1 de septiembre HORARIO DE VERANO ADMINISTRACIÓN: De Lunes a Viernes, de 8.00h a 14.00h No habrá asistencia administrativa por las tardes HORARIO DE VERANO SERVICIO ATENCIÓN TÉCNICA TELEFÓNICA PARA USUARIOS: (EXCEPTO PERIODO VACACIONAL) De Lunes a Viernes, de 9.00h a...